Restoration and waterproofing contractors do a whole lot more than bring your commercial building and parking structure up to aesthetic standards. They also provide services that protect a structure’s architectural and historical integrity and prevent future water intrusion.
Many companies specialize in commercial restoration or waterproofing. Presto Restoration provides both services, restoring and protecting any type of commercial building exterior. Our long-lasting solutions guarantee your building will look its best for decades to come.
Waterproofing and Restoration Services: Different But Complimentary
Though restoration and waterproofing services work hand-in-hand, they are two different processes. In simplest terms, restoration means taking care of the entire building envelope, repairing and restoring previous damage, and protecting against future harm. Waterproofing is a part of restoration work. It encompasses a wide range of specialty applications of different waterproofing products, including caulking and sealants.
Typical restoration processes include:
- Masonry replacement repair
- Stone replacement and restoration
- Crack and expansion joint sealing
- Tuck pointing
- Full surface restoration of brick, concrete, stone, and window lintel
Waterproofing services for brick, masonry, concrete, precast, EIFS, and stucco include:
- Elastomeric waterproof coatings
- Painting
- Pressure washing
- Clear water repellants
- Chemical cleaning
- Horizontal/traffic-grade waterproof coatings
Separately, restoration and waterproofing are both great processes to invest in for your commercial structure. Performed together, they’re even more valuable, producing the highest quality results you could imagine. We nearly always recommend waterproofing as part of the restoration process, and here’s why.
- You don’t want to apply a weatherproofing coat to a surface that’s dirty or grimy.
- On the flip side, you don’t want to go through the expense and time required to resurface and restore your building and parking structure without protecting them against future water intrusion and damage, including mold growth.
The Benefits of a Working With a Contractor That Offers Restoration and Waterproofing Services
The right materials, the right techniques, and the right experience are the top three reasons to work with a contractor specializing in both commercial restoration and waterproofing work. Other benefits of having the two services performed at the same time include:
- A smoother process for accurate estimates.
- Cost and time savings when hiring a contractor that offers both services.
- Time and cost savings of restoration and waterproofing over demolition and reconstruction.
Over the years, most building owners and managers tell us they’d rather keep their old buildings looking great rather than tearing them down and rebuilding them. Three of our major restoration and waterproofing projects illustrate the advantages of doing just that.
- The Hotel Roxy Lofts in downtown Atlanta are housed in a building that dates back to 1921. The owners wanted the building’s original facade, which was in extremely poor condition, restored and asked Presto to take on the job. By removing the window lintels, replacing failed window putty, waterproofing the windows, and repointing the areas where mortar and joints had cracked, our team was able to complete the project within just six months.
- Built in the early 1900s, Nashville’s historic Elliott School was in need of exterior stone restoration services to match the recently renovated interior. Once we determined how to overcome the challenges of access and a large courtyard, our restoration experts were able to clean the school’s stone exterior without disrupting the tenants’ daily lives. Now complete, the interior and exterior beautifully complement one another, and the building is restored to its former glory.
- Rundown office buildings are often torn down and rebuilt. But the owners of the historic Threefoot Building in downtown Meridian, Mississippi, wanted to preserve its Art Deco style as they transformed it into a luxury hotel. This nine-month restoration project was challenging, mainly because it can be difficult to find replacement materials. So, our crews took extra care to preserve and reuse as much of the original brick and stone as possible. The job involved a complete cleaning, sealing, and re-mortaring, and the window openings were fully restored to accept new windows. The results are beautiful.
Choosing the Right Restoration and Waterproofing Contractors
Keeping your commercial building and parking structure looking their best doesn’t mean pouring your money into numerous expensive remodels, renovations, or upgrades. Regular restoration and waterproofing maintenance can be all you need to invest in to keep your building looking fabulous while protecting it from surface damages.
At Presto, our goal is to restore your building to its original pristine condition in the most effective, efficient, and economical way. We aim to help our clients keep their customers and residents happy and safe while maintaining their building’s appearance and structural integrity. We’d love to do the same for you! Give us a call at 1-800-785-9927 or request a quote.