Historic Preservation

Some of the country's most highly regarded landmarks are historic architectural treasures. Preserving the historical significance of these structures demands an appreciation of artistry and a mastery of craftsmanship, and Presto's facade restoration and preservation services team provides just that.

Old buildings have unique materials and techniques, which are different from what's used today. Therefore, it's essential to rely on historic facade restoration and preservation services experts for proper repairs. Without specific knowledge of the mortar, brick, stone, and other materials, contractors could unintentionally worsen the damage. Consequently, incorrect methods and the use of incompatible cleaning and sealing products are the primary causes of harm to historic structures.

Presto’s goal is to restore and protect historical structures, preserving their rich heritage. Each historic facade restoration and preservation services project is intricate and distinct in its own way. We collaborate with local regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with their specific standards for the protection and preservation of these historic buildings.

After determining when the building was originally constructed, Presto's skilled historic facade restoration and preservation masons conduct thorough research. They meticulously analyze the materials used in the masonry and mortar, checking their condition. Additionally, they perform various product tests. Our proposals for historic facade restoration and preservation services provide detailed recommendations for the right services, methods, and products to restore the original architectural design.

When we put the plan into action, our goal is to preserve as much of the existing materials as possible while making necessary repairs. Whether your project involves fixing window lintels, cleaning and sealing the exterior, repairing bricks and mortar, performing tuckpointing, or replacing wood, Presto is your top choice as a historic preservation contractor for the job.

In addition to preserving historic buildings, we also provide surface restoration services and waterproofing services for commercial buildings. We also offer complete building consultations.

  • Tuck pointing/repointing

  • Crack & spall repair

  • Anchor & wall tie replacement

  • Broken or missing piece repair

  • Metal rust removal & polishing

  • Surface repair & replacement

  • Full surface restoration & protection

  • Weatherproofing

  • Window putty

  • Painting


  • Brick

  • Marble

  • Granite

  • Limestone

  • Concrete

  • Cast stone

  • Terra cotta

  • Stucco

  • Historic wood & metal window systems

  • Control & expansion joints

Historic Facade Waterproofing

Presto goes beyond maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your building; we also prioritize its structural integrity and resilience. Our experts conduct thorough assessments of your historic building's facade, identifying and documenting any waterproofing issues, and providing recommended solutions for resolution. We offer comprehensive exterior facade protection for your historic structure through our specialized waterproofing services.


  • Chemical cleaning

  • Clear water repellents

  • Painting


  • Silicone caulking

  • Urethane caulking

  • Elastomeric caulking

  • Wet glazing/wet sealing

Contact us today about restoring and preserving your historic building for generations to come.

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